Tanzania Federation of Co-operatives Ltd

Tanzania Federation of Co-operatives Ltd (TFC); is the national umbrella voice for
Cooperative in Tanzania. Organization that promotes serves and coordinates the
work of cooperative societies in mainland Tanzania.
It has mandate to unite and promote the prosperity of all registered co-operative
societies in Tanzania mainland while preserving the cooperative identity. It is
main roles are: Members representation, Lobbying and advocacy, Capacity
Building, Marketing linkages and value addition to member products, youth and
women empowerment programs, Knowledge management, Members access to
financial services, Members access to inputs, Membership growth, networking
and collaboration.
In its efforts to support the development of young graduate’s talents in the country, Tanzania Federation of Co-operatives Ltd (TFC) is pleased to offer internship opportunities in the following positions:
1. Field Officers
2. Insurance Officers
3. Personal Secretaries
4. Real Estate Officers
5. Promotion And Publicity Officers
6. Planning And Policy Officers
7. IT Technicians
8. Personnel And Administration Officers
9. Accounts Assistant
10. Legal Officers
11. Research And Marketing Officers
12. Education And Capacity Development Officers
Duty Stations:
Willing to volunteer in the following zones: Lake zone A (Mwanza, Shinyanga, Simiyu and Mara, Based at Mwanza) Lake zone B (Geita, Kagera, Based at Kagera) Northern zone (Kilimanjaro, Arusha Manyara Based at Arusha) Southern zone (Mtwara , Lindi based at Mtwara), Central Zone (Dodoma, Singida based at Dodoma), Eastern & Coast zone (Pwani, Morogoro and Tanga based at Tanga)Southern Highland zone A (lringa,Njombe and Ruvuma based at Njombe), Southern Highland zone B (Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi based at Songwe,) Western Zone (Tabora and Kigoma based at Tabora).
Procedures for Application for Internship
Internship at TFC is opened and competitive to all graduates who have passion in
achieving their unique potential both personally and professionally. Candidates
must pass formal interviews and assessments to be held by a group of managers.
Internship does not guarantee payment of allowances and future employment with the Firm.
All applicants must write a formal Application Letter addressed to:
Executive Secretary,
Tanzania Federation of Cooperative;
16th Floor New Ushirika Tower Lumumba;
P.O. Box 2567
Dar es Salaam;
Email address:

Application Letter should not exceed 3 A4 pages.

Appendices to the application letter should be:
• Maximum of 2 pages CV;
• Copies of your O and A Levels certificates showing grades;
• Copy of University degree,(state overall GPA)
• Copy of academic transcript(s) from your University showing subjects and
grades for each academic year completed; (v) copy of your Birth
• copy of your passport or national ID; and
• copies of any other certificate/ award/recommendation letters.
• Any practical experience gained in past internship (if any), experience
gained in past leadership roles (anywhere), experience in teamwork, any
special skills and including IT skills.
• Personal character, interpersonal skills and social behaviors.
• Strengths and weaknesses.
• Motivation for wanting to intern with our organization and anticipated
achievements (why should you be given the chance at the expense of
• Long term personal, professional and career objectives.
• You may have a lot to write about you, just be brief, to the point and
provide only relevant information.
Please submit your application pack electronically in pdf format before 15th April
2021 to :

Application letter forms part of our assessment of the suitability of a candidate
hence applicants should adhere to principles of a good official letter. Submission
of false information and documents will result in outright rejection of application.
Note: information and documents will be independently verified with the issuing


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