Landing a job has been amongst the most difficult thing for most graduates in most countries these days . After  a number of applications some get to receive feedbacks to attend interviews and others no responses at all and even after interviews most do not get employed.

Apart from economic issues,Huge number of graduates is among the contributing factor  , at once a recruiter receives hundreds of applications with qualified candidates, the market has become very competitive currently.

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The number of degree holders has increased,  causing sheer competition in the market, landing a job currently requires more than just a UNIVERSITY degree, job seekers must have more at there disposal to land their first job.

Some other reasons that have led to difficulties in job searching are.,


With so many students in college, the competition for jobs on graduation day is fiercer than ever. Some industries experience more job competition than others. It becomes harder for individual graduates to stand out, even with excellent scores.

 Little work experience

Not all students work their way through college. Those that do often work outside of their field of expertise. Many job postings require a decent level of experience, whether it advertises an entry-level position or not. After college, many graduates find it difficult to overcome this requirement.

 Few or no skills

Along with experience comes valuable skills, some of which individuals only learn while on the job. Those will little work experience enter the job market with few skills listed on their resume. Employers seek specific skills when fulfilling their roles. They ignore resumes without them.

Little networking

Exchanging information and common interests with individuals often lead to work opportunities. Without work experience, however, individuals have few networking options. Some colleges and universities host networking events, but participation is up to the individual student.

Lack of follow up

Many recent graduates often underestimate the power of following up. After completing an interview process, many organizations place greater consideration on those who follow up. Students find themselves in situations where they place all of their attention onto the next opportunity rather than sending a thank-you email to the previous one.

 in this list occur as a result of the same issue: little work experience. A lack of communication skills often falls back to that same fact. Jobs, no matter how small, offer valuable educational scenarios in communication. Whether it's talking to a customer or emailing a supervisor, each communicative task takes practice to get right.

Uncertainty with major

Upon graduation, some students discover they have no greater interest in their majors. Others discover a severe lack of job opportunities within their chosen field. At a young age, students face a critical decision that has a significant impact on the rest of their lives. Some choose wisely while others simply need more time.



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